all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 8HP 0 53.034724 -1.405594
DE5 8HQ 0 53.039505 -1.405183
DE5 8HR 0 53.035335 -1.405601
DE5 8HS 0 53.035957 -1.405906
DE5 8HT 0 53.042216 -1.428356
DE5 8HU 0 53.040104 -1.40467
DE5 8HW 0 53.034891 -1.406606
DE5 8HX 0 53.037928 -1.404641
DE5 8HY 0 53.04074 -1.404244
DE5 8HZ 1 53.03853 -1.406362
DE5 8JA 0 53.040916 -1.407165
DE5 8JB 0 53.038317 -1.408587
DE5 8JD 0 53.037145 -1.406173
DE5 8JE 0 53.035345 -1.407614
DE5 8JF 1 53.03302 -1.410091
DE5 8JG 0 53.033436 -1.414157
DE5 8JJ 0 53.039845 -1.406851
DE5 8JL 0 53.039607 -1.407779
DE5 8JN 5 53.033151 -1.405405
DE5 8JP 0 53.032916 -1.412643